We believe in building and empowering the people in our communities to improve families and the next generation.
We are a fully integrated organization, dedicated to understanding the past to better the future.
We believe in developing our livestock and our team similarly... with compassion, innovation, and transparency.
We take great pride in our commitment to a healthy, sustainable, and humane way of raising our cattle. Genetics is a critical aspect of this commitment, and we know you will see the difference!
Brangus GeneticsOur registered Brangus herd is built on genetics that have proven their value. The Brangus breed is known for their ability to thrive in the deep south and have a proven track record of calving ease, superior milk production efficiency, and excellent fertility and longevity. Take a look at the 920 Brangus Family and see for yourself.
Hereford GeneticsOur Hereford herd is built on a strong foundation of genetics with a sound history of adaptability, high performance, and of raising healthy calves efficiently. Our registered herd is principled around structurally sound, maternal females that produce offspring who consistently hang superior quality meats on the rail. Take a look at the 920 Hereford Family and see for yourself.
Recipient HerdOur registered herds are designed to gradually and consistently improve the overall average, while our recipient herd is built to naturally raise embryo calves and produce growthy, healthy babies.
We frequently offer group and individual recip sales. If interested, send us a note and we will be in touch! |
Katahdins & TexelsKnown for their ability to thrive, the 920 foundation lamb flock consists of registered Katahdin ewes, while our commercial flock is based on the cross of Katahdin ewes with Texel rams. Our lamb principles focus of raising maternal ewes that can prolifically raise healthy lambs that vigorously produce high quality meats.
Commercial HerdThe 920 pastured hogs are based on cross-breeding heritage breeds (Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Chester White, and Duroc) that are able to thrive on pasture and forage on the farm. Heritage hogs have a higher fat content, producing highly-marbled meats that provide a natural and old-world flavor that is sweet and silky.